Young Living August News


August is drawing to a close and that means the Young Living August Gifts with Purchase will soon be gone. All about gut health, August's gifts come with their own travel case so you won't forget your supplements and oils jetting off to vacay or suffer from Traveler's Tummy woes.

In more news, Young Living just debuted several new starter kits. Check them out in the photos or on the website. I absolutely love my Aria diffuser and I'm so jealous of you if you don't have one yet because you can get it for SO much less bundled into the Starter Kit!

And then YL just casually dropped this bombshell the other day: you no longer have to be a Brand Partner to make money sharing Young Living! That's right, you can share a 10% coupon code (SHAREYL) with family and friends or even just share your own wishlist and you get 25% in product credit to use like cash from their order!!! Talk about easy money! 

Just want the 10% discount? Go to Young Living with this link and use the coupon code SHAREYL at checkout.

Brand Partners make even more ~ 50% ~ along with other benefits, so if you want to see some real dough talk to me about becoming a Brand Partner. Just email or contact me using the form below. The best news is, when you use the contact form you will automatically get my discounts, freebies, and updates (no spam, unsubscribe anytime).


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