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Ignite Your Instagram Presence with the Remix Feature: A Step-by-Step Guide to Recharging Your Social Media Strategy

  Recently I took a course called The Viral Vault because my social media engagement and reach on all platforms was really dropping. Both Instagram and Pinterest recently changed their algorithms and nothing I was doing was working to boost my numbers. This is especially frustrating because I paid (in fact, I'm still paying on a payment plan) hundreds of dollars for other courses that were supposed to help me get more views. Ever since social media debuted I've been marketing on it. The advent of Pinterest exploded my tiny eBay account (not even a store) into my current chain of 14 (and counting!) online shops and my publishing company. Linking my blog to my Pinterest was a game changer.  So, naturally I was pretty bummed to find my analytics cratering. This is because everyone wants to become a "pay to play" platform now. They want you to pay for advertising on their platforms. It really rubs me the wrong way to pay for the reach I used to get organically, though. So

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