Join the Digital Revolution: Transform Your Business and Future Today!

It can be hard to recognize when you need to overhaul something… your business, your life. We get stuck in ruts. Sometimes it’s very clear, like when my husband Jerry had his accident at work. If you haven’t heard that story, it was a pivotal moment in our lives.

In 1998 Jerry and I had just bought our first house and I was pregnant with our oldest son. One day, the first day I wore maternity clothes as a matter of fact, I got a call at the publishing company where I worked. Jerry had an accident. He was on a pole and it broke. He fell 35 feet, crushed his hands, and lacerated his liver.

Thankfully, Jerry survived and is thriving now, but at the time he was home on disability for 3 months (and is disabled to this day). We lost $600 a month he had been making in overtime as an electrical lineman. I did not get paid maternity leave (don’t get me started on why the hell the USA has worse maternity benefits than even Pakistan, for God’s sake). I had no choice but to give myself a crash course in entrepreneurship.

Every night after work I would freelance as a graphic designer and illustrator. I also babysat, took in sewing and mending… anything to make some money, in short. When our son was born I desperately wanted to stay home with him. It took me about a year and a half, but I did it. I replaced my corporate income with my self-employed income and I’ve never looked back.

That period of time was an obvious push to get out of my comfort zone and dare to dream of everything I could accomplish. It was the best decision I ever made. I live the exact lifestyle I always wanted. I remember when I was a little girl people were always asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I would always say I wanted to be a mother. Both my mother and grandmother were horrified and told me I couldn’t do that; I had to have a job. But I didn’t want a job. I wanted to stay home like they did, with my kids. And I wanted to be an artist and writer. I spent my entire life hearing my desire was impossible. But guess what? It isn’t!

Recently I realized I am facing another pivot. All my side hustles back in 1998 ended up in my doll hospital and chain of doll shops. I still run those and still repair dolls for people and sell dolls, but more and more my business has become focused on teaching doll repair to others. I mostly sell kits and doll supplies and tutorials in books and e-packets. I get hundreds of messages every week from people wanting doll repair advice. And something I realized through all this is that while I do enjoy restoring dolls, I enjoy teaching people just as much, if not more. I have been increasingly focused on creating and selling digital products like ebooks and courses. Don’t worry, my physical shops aren’t going anywhere, but I have not been expanding my physical product line. I am just focused on what works best because eventually I plan to send my best sellers off to a fulfillment center. I just really want a more passive income type business at this point in my life.

Besides doll repair, I am passionate about helping people who are stuck in a career rut, working at a job they never really wanted. Maybe they were told entrepreneurship was impossible, like I was, or maybe they are held back by just not knowing how to start a business of their own.

With that in mind, I have been writing up a storm. I have released three new books this week: Digital Profit Genius, Stealth Marketing Genius, and Digital Goldmine. Digital Profit Genius spills all the secrets to earning money by selling digital products online. Stealth Marketing Genius shows how you can promote any business without showing your face or revealing any details about yourself on social media so you can retain your privacy. Digital Goldmine is a short step-by-step guide showing exactly how to start creating and selling digital products, with links to the exact design and sales software I use. Best of all, Digital Goldmine is free! Just click here to get your copy.
I am so enthusiastic about selling information products because it’s just so easy. Creating the products is work, but once you create them you can sell them again and again.While home on pandemic lockdown I took a little mini course on digital product creation and it was life-changing for me. The actual course was about making and selling printable planners online, but I immediately saw the possibilities. I took a doll repair book I had which was no longer under copyright and repackaged it into e-packets and kit inserts and printed packets and they sold (and still sell) like crazy. I saw right away how convenient it was to wake up to money in my bank account and not have to ship anything or repair someone’s doll. So I expanded my product line and wrote two doll repair books. I sell those as e-books on my website and Etsy and as paperback and hardcover books on Amazon. Amazon does all the fulfillment work for me. I do sell a few hard copies in all my shops but I don’t keep a large stock on hand because I prefer to let Amazon do all the printing and shipping.

If you’re interested in starting a business but don’t know how, I have a wonderful course called The Viral Vault. This includes all the books mentioned above, plus several more, a 16-module video course, pre-made Instagram Reels and posts for marketing, and email templates. Best of all, this course comes with MRR and PLR rights, meaning you can resell it once you’ve taken it! You can sell it as-is or edit all the pieces and rebrand them. Get The Viral Vault by clicking here.

I think there is a digital revolution coming. The advent of 3D printers will eventually make it so you can just purchase a file, install it on your printer, and print out anything you want, just like that machine the Jetsons had! Already if you want a shirt or mug that says a certain thing you can order it from a print-on-demand site and have receive it in a couple weeks. You can sell those products, too! Our house and closets are full of my Redbubble and A. Mandaline Art designs. There’s no fulfillment for those shops, either, so I can be making money while I’m fishing up at our mountain cabin or swimming in the lake, or whatever I’m doing.

​ClickFunnels put together a great 90-day challenge called One Funnel Away to help you start either an information products business, like selling books and courses, or a physical products business using drop shipping (or both! I took the information product part and now I’m taking the physical product part). Even after 25 years in business I have learned all kinds of new tips from this challenge. There’s live support on Zoom calls several times a week, so it’s an amazing opportunity. You can sign up for that here.

So ask yourself, are you facing a pivotal life moment? Are you happy with your life or are you just stuck doing the same things again and again because you don’t know how to change? If you’re ready to step into entrepreneurship I would love to help you.


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