Go Viral with The Viral Vault

 Have you ever heard of PLR or MRR products? They’re so hot right now. You’ll see all kinds of advertisements promising to help you start a business with no products or work required. If you don’t know what these are you might be wondering what the acronyms stand for. PLR stands for “private label rights” and MRR stands for “master resale rights”.

Now, I’m never going to tell you “no work” is required to make money. You do have to advertise and create content no matter what business you’re in. However, MRR and PLR are probably the quickest and easiest path to owning your own business that exists.

PLR products are sold with all rights included. These intellectual products are free of copyright protections so you can reproduce them as is or alter them to make new works, which you can then copyright.

MRR products are resold as is. Depending on the contract, you might be able to change the branding as far as putting your own website or logo on it but typically that’s all the change allowed. You will also be given pricing guidelines for MRR products. The usual contract specifies they can’t be given away for free and there is a minimum price you can charge as well as a recommended price range.

I prefer PLR products because I can sell them as-is while I edit them into new works, so I can start making money immediately. MRR products are the easiest business to start up because there is really nothing to do other than change your logo if that’s allowed. Often the seller will even set up a funnel or sales platform for you. The problem with MRR is, if the product is popular the market becomes saturated very quickly with everyone selling the exact same thing. Pretty soon someone sells it for the minimum price and then everyone has to drop their price to compete, resulting in a race to the bottom. Many MRR products are advertised as products you can resell, so your customers all end up trying to sell the same things. The better your business does at first the more competition you create.

PLR products require a bit more work upfront. With my perfectionist personality I never find a product that doesn’t need editing to meet my high standards. That’s why I appreciate being able to sell the unedited product as a “template” so I can start making money instantly. Then I use the existing product as a base to work from. Just one PLR product changed my life so I’m all in!

A few years ago I only sold physical goods. I sold dolls and doll supplies and also ran a doll hospital. I opened a chain of stores with different goods, like clothing and art and essential oils. My stores did (and still do) very well. I’ve been working from home for just shy of 25 years and raised my children while I ran my stores. It is the exact lifestyle I wanted.

Then I discovered PLR and it changed everything in a great way. I got one book, a vintage trade school textbook from a midcentury correspondence doll repair course. The school is now defunct and the textbook was never copyrighted (it is just a series of typewritten and copied pages in a binder) so I had compete freedom to brand and resell it. Over the past few years I made thousands of dollars from this one product and revolutionized my business.

Before I got the book I would repair one doll at a time. Then I would document the repair on my blog. Then I would sell the dolls that were mine and not doll hospital customers’. I get hundreds of messages every month asking how to repair dolls and I would reply to each of these individually. It was a ton of work and although I did make money my per-hour salary was pretty dismal.

When I realized the book wasn’t under copyright a whole new business plan opened up for me. Because the book covered dolls I never restored I could tell others how to repair their dolls without having done it myself. I created listings for photo-copied instructions on eBay and Etsy andI started answering all my doll repair questions with links to the sales page for those packets.

I created repair kits with the instructions for certain repairs packaged along with the supplies needed. My kits proved extremely popular since I am basically the only person offering them. I combined my old blog tutorials with the vintage instructions to make comprehensive and easy-to-understand lessons. In the past nine years or so thousands of people all over the world have learned doll repair from my kits and more than half a million have learned from my blog posts!

Then I discovered how to make ebooks. I added the ebooks of repair instructions for individual dolls to my website for people to download. That was a game changer for me; all of a sudden I could go on vacation and still make sales and income. I wrote and self-published my own book on doll repair, Doll University, which utilizes diagrams from the original midcentury book alongside my own images. Doll University is now available in digital, paperback and hardcover formats from my website and Amazon. Amazon fulfillment means I can sell the book and make money from anywhere in the world!

When I learned how easy it is to self-publish I started my own publishing company, Mandaline Press. My most recent project (which was the #1 new release in one category on Amazon at launch) is my re-write of the original midcentury book. It’s called Midcentury Trade School Vintage Doll Repair Instructions. It is mostly just the original book, though I corrected some formatting problems and added my own tips and lessons in some places. I sell that book as an ebook and paperback and also expanded it into an online course. Just by breaking it up and repackaging it, that one book has become one of my best-selling items and brings me consistent monthly income without any extra work.

The information product market has limitless possibilities. Literally any subject, no matter how obscure it may seem, can be a goldmine. Dedicated hobbyists will spend all kinds of money learning more about their crafts. Business owners will spend even more because they know how to turn their knowledge into cash.

Recently I made a new investment I want to share with you. It’s called The Viral Vault and it’s a compete marketing system. This bundle contains several ebooks teaching you the ins and outs of content creation for various platforms. I bought it to learn how to market my business. I already know a lot about creating digital products but if you don’t this package has the answers. It also contains hundreds of done-for-you digital marketing products like Reels and Instagram posts. All you have to do is download them and plug in your business name!

The Viral Vault works for any type of business. You can fire your advertising agency and use these beautiful pre-designed posts instead. Go viral on social media just once and you will exponentially increase your reach. Carra says: “LOVE IT!! I have a nail studio and had NO idea how to market on social media. After getting The Viral Vault I had a video hit 120K frickin views!! It brought in a ton of new clients, thank you again!”

The best part? The Viral Vault comes with both MRR and PLR rights, so besides using it for your existing business you can start a side hustle or even a whole new company by reselling it. You can sell it as is or re-design it and copyright it as your own work. It’s truly a “business in a box”.

The Viral Vault is delivered instantly as a PDF. You can plug it into your website or Etsy shop and start making money as soon as today. Or you can break it up sell the pieces separately. Or you can redesign them. You’ll never be stuck trying to sell the same thing as everyone else. Plus, the information included in The Viral Vault is so good it literally sells itself because it teaches you how to sell it!

If you’re looking for a quick income boost or want to get more eyes on your existing company you need The Viral Vault! Click here to get it now and start making money today.

​In true Mandaline spirit I am already re-designing and re-naming these products. I will be selling them individually for way more than they cost as part of this bundle, and when I do they won’t have MRR or PLR rights attached to them anymore. Make sure you pick up The Viral Vault while you can!


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