Patti PlayPal Eyes (Redux)

"Patti PlayPal Eyes..." Sing it to the tune of Bette Davis Eyes and you'll hear it every time you think about them!

Here's my latest patient, a Patti Playpal clone, who came to the hospital for a complete makeover: new eyes, new hair, a new arm, repaired feet... Anyway, when I was replacing the eyes I remembered, after acquiring some blisters, Patti Playpal eyes require a special method.

My eye swap tool doesn't work, nothing works, to get the eyes inserted from the front. You can sometimes heat the head and remove them from the front but the new ones just won't go into the socket that way. I don't know how I forgot about this because I wrote all about it a few years back and you can sign up to get it here.

Patti was lucky enough to get my last pair of green eyes. They were a return, which is the only reason I have them since my supplier hasn't stocked them since 2021. They weren't used by the first customer so they're perfect for this doll. I'm still looking for a new supplier who can get me the eyes in green.

I did manage to procure some Patti wigs and I decided to use my patient as a model since I don't have one of these dolls.  I'm really proud of wigs #1-4. These are a Mandaline exclusive: the curly poodle cut so prevalent in the 1950s but which I haven't seen anywhere besides my shop nowadays. This is the perfect style for an authentic 50s doll! The wigs are made in Japan and I have extremely limited inventory. You will see the photos are missing wig #5 and that's because it sold out before I could get it listed. I will try to get some more but they are quite hard to find in this large size.

Red is the main wig color I was able to get, and it does seem like it was the predominant Patti hair color. My patient needed her head shaved so her new wig can adhere and, although the hair looks like a sort of mouse brown at first, as I shaved it I saw from the hair at the roots it was once a bright strawberry blond. A light red you might say.


You can find all these wigs in my shops. Links are on the Home page. Here's my eBay Doll Making & Repair store section where you can find all my doll making supplies in one place. 

Other new supplies listed or headed to my shops are the squishy vinyl Tiny Betsy McCall shoes in mint green. As I mentioned a few months back, the Tonner Doll Co went out of business and those shoes are no longer made. I have just three pairs in the green and once they sell out they're likely gone forever. I really, really hope Robert Tonner decides to re-issue them or at least sells the molds to someone else to manufacture. 

I am also trying a new product called "Doll Skins". These are stretchy doll bodies you just put on over your doll's old cloth body. Like a slipcover, but for dolls! I have only a few of these which I'm testing out to see if they're a viable product. They are also in very short supply so if they prove popular I will look into making them myself or finding someone to make them.

If you're noticing a theme here, I need a new wholesale supplier really badly. If you are a wholesaler or manufacturer (who I haven't already queried) please reach out to me!


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