Like Me On Facebook!

A screen shot of my new page (the link won't work).

Today is another big day for Atelier Mandaline! I have a new Facebook page! I've resisted for years, because I felt like having to keep up two stores and a blog and a Pinterest page and Instagram account and my Naturally Amanda essential oils page on Facebook was plenty! However, now that Facebook has added a shopping capability it will be easier for me to post products all in one place and on a site people are already visiting. It's also gotten increasingly difficult to post links to my blog here on Blogger. For some reason the HTML links aren't going live on the sidebar like they used to. The sidebar has gotten really cluttered with links as well and it looks messy and confusing. I've noticed a lot of other bugs in the Blogger software recently and it's been ages since they did an update. It makes me worry Google is going to phase Blogger out, and then where will I be? So, I hope you'll stop by and like my page. You'll be able to follow new developments here on the blog as well as on Etsy and eBay and, in the near future, my Facebook branch.

Etsy has a new partnership with Pattern that allows shop owners to create a freestanding web site and I've been considering creating a stand-alone web site for Atelier Mandaline. I just don't know if the cost is justified or if the free web sites will have the capability I need. What do you think? Please comment or message me at and give me your opinion. Would you be more likely to shop from a freestanding retail web site than from a platform such as Etsy or eBay or Facebook?


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