Rest for The Weary

I have a ton of new dolls to fix up. I signed up to help sew 120 cloaks and 60 flags for the marching band. But after two weeks of house painting, day after day of doll making, and a week of caring for two gardens, my right hand has given up. My wrist and hand are cramping and having tremors to the extent that I even have to eat with my left hand now.

To top it off, yesterday my daughter started having severe abdominal pain, so we spent the evening in urgent care. The diagnosis isn't conclusive, so we've spent an anxious night and day watching her for appendicitis. She's still not out of the woods.

I've always been a responsible one. In college I was always the sober driver. I'm the person you call if you need someone to take care of your garden, or sew your band cloaks, or take your drug-addicted baby, but only as a last resort (more on that in my Wendy Ann's Tara Dreams post). But now I'm exhausted. I need a rest. 

I promise, as soon as I'm able I'll post a new project.


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