Do you practice manifestation?

I never used to, at least not intentionally. Back in high school my boyfriend and I used to lie on the hood of my dad's old Oldsmobile 442, gazing up at the stars and watching jets flying overhead.

If your lawn furniture isn’t a broken-down car at least some point in your life can you really call yourself an American?

We would imagine where those people were going ~ was it a vacation? Commuting to glamorous jobs? I would think of all the places I’d like to go in the future. Italy (check ~ I even worked there one summer) California (tiny check; I’ve had two long visits since we moved away in 1977).

I would plan the life I was going to have: live at the beach, lots of kids (with names all picked out), artist and writer…

The problem is, I didn’t plan on the husband part of the equation. Turns out they don’t just do whatever you tell them! Another thing I didn’t count on is how much the things I want change over the decades. I did become an artist and writer, but working for myself and not the big fancy publishing company I once envisioned, since all the publishing companies basically went down in flames in the Y2K era.

Fact is, although running my own business and publishing my own art and books is a lot of work and a little scary and much less reliable than a paycheck, if I could go back in time and change my career path I wouldn’t. I cherish my freedom too much. And my husband and I find our tiny cabin in the mountains better than the swanky destinations I once aspired to.

​When I got older the Harry Potter books came out and I fell in love with the idea of that magical universe. How wonderful would it be to wave a wand and create whatever you wanted? Mrs. Weasley’s dishes washing themselves especially appealed to me!

I never bought into “The Law of Attraction” or “The Secret” or vision boards or things like that but as it happens, even rejecting those notions, an amazing number of things I envisioned have come true. I had an epiphany a couple years ago when I attended a virtual summit where we were supposed to write out our life goals and rate ourselves on how satisfied we were with our progress in each area.
As I listened to everyone else’s goals I realized how many of my dreams I had already achieved, many before I was 30 years old. The other people (mostly younger than I) wanted to own a home, travel to China, write a book, start a business… all things I’d already done. I was like, wait, am I good at this? And a little while later I was like, this is what I do!
It hit me ~ how much faster could I make to the finish line if I was acting with intent rather than just puttering along, reacting to life? How much more successful could I have been if I hadn't rejected visualization?
That very day I started meditating. Now every morning I spend at least 20 minutes envisioning my ideal outcome for that day and the future in general. I got over myself and read The Secret and found out everything I could about manifestation. If you're religious it's like praying, but very intense prayer, with a deep focus on gratitude for the gifts you already have. 
A lot of fitness trainers say, "If you fail to plan you plan to fail". I have always agreed with that as far as meal planning, home organization, workout plans and things, but I never before thought of applying it to the future. I just sort of blundered into things as they happened. Now I find planning out my life in advance makes me more successful.
Does everything I want just fall into my lap now? No, not yet. But I find all kinds of unexpected opportunities have opened up. Now when I’m focused on a goal unconventional paths appear before me. Remember in my last email I told you how bad I felt my first attempts at webinars and challenges were and how I was trying to improve? Guess what? Today I had a free one-on-one call with a new coach to help me plan out a new one and he set up another meeting for us because he thinks my idea has great potential! And if you enroll to be a Beta Tester for the new AI funnel builder you'll get a free discovery call with a coach to validate your business idea as well!
Things like that happen all the time now. I don’t know if I’m calling them forward or if it’s just that my eyes are open to recognizing them. It’s kind of like being a magician (I always have been so disappointed I’m just a muggle!); I think about my destination and a map appears! It’s just a tiny bit like having a magic wand.
I invite you to explore this idea of manifestation. I know at first it might sound weird or crazy, but I can tell you firsthand if you can suspend your disbelief and try it you might find it helps you. I recommend the Mindvalley YouTube channel. It’s free and they have a series of guided meditations for everything from making money to getting a good night’s sleep. I am not a Mindavalley affiliate and this isn’t a sponsored post: it’s just a practice that helps me and I want to share it with you.
​And if you try it out, let me know ~ how did it go? What goals are you working toward? Drop  a comment and fill me in!


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