You're Just One Funnel Away!

 Did you know that it costs McDonalds $1.91 in advertising to get you into the drive through...?

And when they sell you a burger for $2.09... they ONLY make $0.18... :(

But... when they upsell you fries and a coke for $1.77 more... they make (and more importantly keep $1.32 profit)... 

Yes, 8 times the profit of the initial sale!

Pretty cool, don't you think?

But... what does that have to do with you?

Well, If you're like most people who sell stuff online...

You setup a website, and you started selling your product...

But just like McDonalds... even if people are buying it...

After your advertising costs, you're probably not left with enough to even cover your hosting bills. :(

And that's when you realize... that if you want to make it online, you can't sell from a flat website...

You need to do what McDonalds did, and setup a sales funnel...

But instead of having people go through a drive-in window...

Online they go through a "capture page" where you can gather their contact information and follow up with them through email...

Then instead of selling them a burger, you have a sales page created to sell your initial product...

And while you're probably not going to offer your customers fries and a coke...

You could upsell them on your other products and services.

This is what we call a "Sales Funnel"

Where website visitors can come in the top...

And cash comes out the bottom...

You have seen it work at McDonald's, you have seen it work on Amazon... and you KNOW it will work for you.

So, you decide to create your first sales funnel...

But after weeks of trial and error...

You ask yourself... WHY did it have to be so hard?

All you wanted to do was to sell your stuff online.

But instead you spent weeks (maybe months) playing with web builders, hiring designers and programmers BEFORE you ever made your first penny online.

And to us... well, that seemed kinda backwards.

Shouldn't there be an easy way to create high converting marketing funnels, without having to hire an entire staff?

We thought so, and that's why we created ClickFunnels - a simple way to easily create sales funnels that convert!

​And because it can be overwhelming to learn a completely new software along with a transformational marketing paradigm, we've gone one step further and created a 30 day challenge called the One Funnel Away Challenge!
During this month-long course you'll get access to LIVE coaching all day long as well as mastermind with visionaries who are on the same path as you, including ME ~ I'm signed up for the Challenge starting December 11th! For just $100 you can get even more help by signing up as a VIP.
So, who is this challenge for? Well…

The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want... The FamilyThat You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business You Build... If you're someone who wants to start or grow a business, this challenge is for you! I hope to see you there. Remember, you're just One Funnel Away! Join the Challenge here.

As always, please note I am a ClickFunnels affiliate, which means I may be paid a commission if you purchase a membership. The best thing is, not only does it not cost you a dime, it actually saves you lots of pennies!


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