The Doll Doctor's Medical Record

 I'm so proud to present my newest e-book, The Doll Doctor's Medical Record! This printable document allows you to keep a record of the dolls you restore. Use the Doll Patient Chart pages to keep track of the money and time you spend restoring each doll so you have a better idea of how much you can spend on a doll to resell or what to charge your doll hospital clients. You get 30 of these pages in the book!

The Case History pages allow you to chronicle the doll's provenance and make a note of its restoration. You can keep these for your own reference or send a copy along to your customers. Doll hospital clients will love filling out the Doll Chronicle to share with their relatives! You get 20 Doll Chronicle pages in the book.

The best thing about the ebook is, once you fill it up you can just print out another! Have the pages bound at an office supply store or just put them in a binder to keep them organized. I really think The Doll Doctor's Medical Record will be a tool you'll reach for daily! I know once you start keeping track of your repairs you'll make far better-informed pricing decisions. Get your copy from the Shop page today: The Doll Doctor's Medical Record e-Book

And as always, to make beautiful cover mockups for your books and opt-in reports like these please get MockUp Shots from Adazing. I am an Adazing affiliate so I get a commission when you order from my link.


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