Eyes on the Beach (Wedding)

 Sadly, Google is making it impossible to add photos to Blogger (AGAIN). I mean, you can add them but not edit them or delete them or put them in any kind of order. I don't know why they've abandoned this platform but it's obvious they have so I'm posting on my website Updates page. As you may remember that site has its own problems. Hopefully I will get my new Clickfunnels site up soon. I am still struggling with the tech on that and have not actually managed to post on the blog although it does have a blog section. Please forgive the inconvenience of having to click over to the website to read my blog.

Today's blog post is a long one, covering new beach wedding decor, doll eyes and doll world gossip, and a recipe for DIY all natural Thieves foaming cleaner. I hope you check it out and enjoy it!


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