Tiny Budget Tiny Cabin E-Book Now On Sale!

I'm thrilled to introduce my latest book, Tiny Budget Tiny Cabin! As anyone following my Instagram knows, we spent the past year building a tiny cabin in the  mountains. We finally have our space completed to the point we can live in it and I want to share our experience. Learn how we built and furnished our cabin for less than $20,000, got a great deal on waterfront property, negotiated the permit process to save cash, and created a sustainable lifestyle. I know it's a departure from my usual doll repair content, but I wanted to help anyone else who might be interested in tiny living. We started saving up for a fishing camp more than 20 years ago and we finally realized our dream!

I am having a pre-order and launch sale through 12/26. You may pre-order signed paperback copies of the book or immediately download the e-book. As always, the e-book is a high-quality printable PDF so you can print pages or the entire book for reference. The e-book is available from my website and the pre-order paperbacks from my website and Etsy. Please note, the pre-order copies are currently in production and will not ship for 3-4 weeks. Please follow my Amazon Author Page to see the moment the book becomes available from Amazon.


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