Mandaline Online!

I'm so happy to announce the debut of my new web site! I know I've been promising this forever, and I am proud to have finally gotten it done. I hope you will visit to bookmark the page and sign up for my newsletter.

The web site is a wonderful all-in-one solution for me. You will find links to all my shops, even my essential oils store! View a slideshow of products and services, email me, and link to the blog. The site does have a blog function, so I may start posting there. I don't want to move unless my followers move over, so this blog will stay up for the foreseeable future. Now that I have an all-in-one hub I will be re-designing the blog. Look for a much cleaner, more modern site, coming soon!

You can also go to my web site to view custom fashions for special order. I haven't upgraded the site to a working store, so although you can view products and pricing, you can't actually order directly from the site. You can order direct from Etsy or just use the contact form to tell me what you want. It's a little homemade looking still. I am working on getting the site as professional as possible with my teen's help, and if I see enough traffic I will upgrade to a functional storefront.

I truly hope you enjoy my new web site! It's am important step for me to becoming a "real" business. Thank you so much for following and sticking with me through this journey!


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