Last Fling

To celebrate Labor Day weekend I have sales going on in both my eBay and Etsy stores. I tried to hold a Facebook sale but couldn't get it to work. I alerted Facebook and hope they will fix the issue. Besides shopping in my Facebook store, the Atelier Mandaline Facebook page is a great day-to-day way to keep updated on sales and projects, since I typically post there daily. I hope you'll stop by and "Like" the page.

For me, this weekend is less a celebration of the end of summer and more a celebration of the end of a terrible week. We arrived home Saturday night after a wonderful beach week and the kids started school Monday. My kids have to be on the bus before 7, so we are up before 6 most mornings and it's so hard for me. On Tuesday I had an orthodontist appointment to adjust my braces. I have one stubborn tooth keeping me from being able to get the braces removed. Allison, my tech, was tugging on a wire trying to tie in a thicker piece of wire when her tool failed and bent, causing her hand to fly over and punch me in the face. The wire stabbed me in my lip and the brackets cut the inside of my mouth all up. So I've spent the week unable to eat much and with a fat lip. While we were at the beach, a week ago now, I was stung by a jellyfish. The sting seemed to heal well overnight. I applied oils to it of course, and ice packs and that seemed to have worked. Well, yesterday my foot started itching and burning like fire and now the whole sting is swollen and inflamed again. I have a history of big system-wide allergic reactions after stings, so I'm worried. I was just bragging to my mother that since I started using essential oils I've avoided the 2+ weeks of steroids and antibiotics I'm usually subjected  to in summer. I really hope I'm not in for another round! The last one made me gain 20 pounds. I've put myself on a regimen including copaiba, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and which I've read is supposed to work like a natural steroid and hope I'm on my feet soon. It had better be really soon because my parents are supposed to arrive this afternoon and my house is a mess. I still have suitcases to unpack from vacation and there are piles of school stuff everywhere. I'm just really hoping for a better week next week!

That said, I did manage to get quite a bit of work finished on Monday and Wednesday. I started listing winter coats and stuff in the eBay store and added many little dolls to both Etsy and eBay. They're all on sale through 9/5/2016 at Midnight EST so I hope you'll check it out. And I hope you have a much better weekend than I'm having so far!


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