New Year, New Me, Continued

The next healthy challenge involves Ningxia Red.

It's been a little over two weeks since I joined the Healthy and Fit 2016 group, an online challenge group which combines Young Living oils and Beach Body fitness coaching. Although it's not part of the group's mandate, I also gave up gluten this year. Well, I'm happy to report, this group is working well for me. I was not happy to stop eating gluten; it's expensive and I have cravings for cookies and things I don't usually want much. However, I was having so many stomach issues and rashes and things which I identified a couple years ago as coming from wheat, I decided to just let it go. I lost six pounds pretty much overnight giving up gluten! Now I wish I'd done it years ago! My stomach problems and rashes seem much better as well. There are other members of the group who have given up all grains, and everyone else is on a fairly low carb plan, so I can make most of the recipes and have some sympathetic people around. All together, since Christmas Eve, I've lost 9.4 pounds. For me, to lose nearly 10 pounds in less than a month is incredible. I finally feel like I have the support and guidance to optimize my health and weight.

This month the challenge we started with was to use Fitness oil and either Cel-Lite Magic or OrthoEase to see if it helped us with our plan. I do believe the Cel-Lite Magic in particular is helping me reduce where I want to, which is pretty much everywhere! I should just start bathing in it, because I noticed a distinct loss of inches from my waist (3 inches in one week) and thighs (1.5 from each thigh in one week) where I am applying it. Next month, starting February 8th, the challenge we are trying is to drink 2 ounces per day of Ningxia Red each day and see what it does for our health and weight loss efforts. Ningxia Red is the number one antioxidant product on the market today, which is confirmed through research, a whole body, synergistic nutrient infusion. I can't wait to see how it helps my health! We would love for you to join our group. Please contact me at to find out how. If you would like to become a Young Living member you can order a starter kit here.

Other exciting Young Living news is the introduction of the Vitality line of dietary essential oils. These petite bottles are perfect for use in the kitchen when cooking. The smaller size makes them a more economical way to try many of the oils as well.

Girl Scout cookie season
My family has been trying to help me stick to my plan, which I appreciate, because it's hard. Girl Scouts cookie season started Sunday and I spent three hours walking around selling cookies. Even though the girls begged to buy a box and open them I said "NOOO!" and we didn't eat any. My little ones are interested in learning to cook as well, so I have them help out as much as they can. I hope I can instill healthy habits that save them from the long journey and painful health consequences I suffered as a result of unwise crash diets and excessive exercise plans.

My helper


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