Procrastinators' Sale

 It's that time of year again: when, if you're like me, you realize you've missed the shipping deadline for Christmas cards and gifts! I totally get it! I will be sending digital cards and electronic gifts this year because I just never got around to ordering Christmas cards and mailing gifts to far-away friends and family. With kids' sports and holiday activities, it is really hard to keep up with the postal schedule. Therefore, I am doing my best to help you with your gift list by discounting all my ebooks 20%! You can download these gifts any time, even Christmas Day. Give your loved one (or yourself!) the gift of a new career with my Doll University ebook for less than $30! That's an amazing $50 off the price of the paperback. Doll University teaches doll repair as well as how to profit from your new-found skills by opening a doll shop or doll hospital.

Do you know someone dreaming of downsizing? Give them my Tiny Budget Tiny Cabin ebook, a journal detailing how we built and furnished our tiny cabin for under $20k and purchased an acre of waterfront property for less than $45k.

Know someone who just wants to repair one special doll? Give them one of my Midcentury Trade School doll repair lessons featuring specific individual midcentury dolls, such as Tiny Tears or Saucy Walker.

When you give the gift of knowledge you give endless opportunity for new experiences, something that won't break or fade or be re-gifted. Find these special prices exclusively on my Shop page.


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