Baby Love

Yesterday my sister and her family stopped by for a last visit before they move far away. My sister also brought along a huge amount of outgrown baby clothes, the accumulation of her, my, and another sister's boys over the past 7 years. These clothes have been through five baby boys and the gender-neutral ones through two baby girls as well, but they are almost all Gymboree, Hartstrings, and other really good brands, so they still have lots of use. Besides, as you can see from the photos, between all these children we had such an enormous collection of clothing nothing got overly used! I am selling all these on consignment for my sisters, and will start listing them today, so make sure you check the Atelier Mandaline store or browse my catalogue for some great deals on infant clothing and accessories through size 12 months!

All this is coming soon to my store!

The last time we were home during the same weekend as my sister, which has been such a long while I can't even remember when it was, my year-old nephew threw an incredible fit. He's usually pretty "chill" as my sister says, but all of a sudden he just lost it. He started howling and screaming and lashing out with his arms and throwing himself onto the floor and writhing around. We checked his diaper and looked him all over to see what was wrong but couldn't find anything. After about a half hour of this, with no sign of abatement, I was pretty concerned. I decided to see if my oils could help. I always travel with them of course! I mixed up a soothing massage oil and, since we already had him stripped down to a diaper, gave him a massage. The result was AH-mazing! My sister said she wished we had a video of it working and even my mom said she's never seen anything like it and she's hard to impress. I used Young Living lavender, Young Living Stress Away, and Young Living Release, but you could substitute YL Peace and Calming or Peace and Calming II for the Release or even YL SleepyIze from the KidScents collection. As always, to find out how to purchase these oils at wholesale prices by becoming a Young Living Member, please contact me or follow the link. Right now Young Living is having a SALE on premium starter kits, which never happens, so make sure you check it out before mid-August to get that deal!

Scream-Stop Baby Soothing Massage Oil

Mix 4 drops each Lavender, Stress Away, and Release (or substitute oils mentioned above) in 1/4 cup of a carrier oil such as olive oil. Massage on baby as shown below. I am demonstrating on my 6-year-old since I no longer have a baby (sigh).

Rub the soothing oil all over Baby, concentrating on the forehead, back of neck, and feet. Now begin all over massage of the limbs as shown in the photos. First, grasp one limb gently but firmly at the top and pull down toward the extremity (hand or foot).

Keep an even pressure all the way down the limb, as shown above.

Once you have reached the extremity (hand or foot), repeat the massage process by grasping the hand or foot at the wrist or heel and pulling downward toward the fingers or toes just as you did with the arm or leg. Repeat this several times.

Give the feet extra attention by pressing firmly in the center of the foot and rubbing in a circular motion as shown. Finish the massage by placing your entire hand flat and palm-down on Baby's stomach and gently rubbing downward. Turn Baby over and repeat on the back. Draw your pointer finger gently across Baby's forehead from left to right. Repeat the entire process until Baby is soothed. Baby will probably fall asleep during or after the massage.


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