Ramona Forever: My Friend Jenny as Ramona Quimby

My Friend Jenny #217 as Ramona

Jenny's original outfit looks like the bridesmaid dress described in the book.
Recently my daughter and I have been reading the Ramona books together. Ramona Quimby was a great friend of my childhood, nearly as real to me as my school friends. I read all the books myself, my parents and teachers read them to me, and I always understood Ramona and sympathized with her in her plights.

I was excited when I got a large box of dolls and saw this Jenny wearing her original yellow dress. We were just at the part of the book, Ramona Forever, where Willa Jean picks yellow dresses for the girls to wear in Aunt Beatrice and Uncle Hobart's wedding, and I thought how the yellow dress looked like the one in the book. Then I went to the store and found a copy of Ramona Forever marked down! So then I knew this doll was meant to be Ramona! It seems a little crazy, but the dolls do almost kind of tell me who they are meant to be.

This Jenny didn't need a lot of work. I cleaned her thoroughly and styled and conditioned her hair. I sewed a linen jumper and striped voile blouse for her and found a pair of Horsman shoes that fit. I find that the vintage Horsman shoes advertised for Terri Lee fit the My Friend dolls as long as they aren't wearing socks. These shoes are often available new in lots on eBay.

I am pleased with how cute this little doll turned out, and I enjoyed revisiting Ramona with my daughter. I really think sharing your childhood favorites with your own kids is one of the greatest blessings you have!


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