Welcome, Summer!

Although it's really still a few weeks away, the beginning of summer is traditionally marked by the Memorial Day weekend holiday. It's a somber remembrance to begin a season associated with happiness, but perhaps that is fitting. We can reflect in the midst of our joy on those who sacrificed themselves in order that we might have this freedom. 

I'm always hesitant to set up sales on occasions such as this, but it seems like it's so expected these days you almost have to do it. For one thing, many people have the only break they get to shop during the day and they expect discounts. For that reason I have coupon codes and sales set up for all my shops through midnight Monday. Use the code: SUMMER for 15% off this website and my Facebook shop. Take an additional 10% off my monthly sales throughout the eBay store. Take 15% off any Etsy order with the code REMEMBER. You can link to all these shops through ateliermandaline.com

I hope you have a happy weekend of celebration and remembrance!


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